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Laxmi Deewan Fragrances

0120-4572044 24/7 Customer Care

Laxmi Deewan Fragrances delivers top quality fragrance and perfume chemical suppliers in India. We are in the buisness since 2010 serving clients all over India. Our dedication toward the work has helepd us in gaining number one postion in fragrance chemical indiusty in India.

Perfumes have prevailed from a very long time and came from the desire to feel good. Since ancient times, people have used various kinds of naturally occuring product to create pleasant aroma. This demand for fragrances lead to the evolution of perfume manufacturing industries.

LD fragrances was established in 2010 and it deals with all kind of fragrances for both the genders. We carry out research to produce new aroma that provoke the sensation of the users.

As a matter of fact there are numerous aroma production companies which exist, due to which accomplishing our vision is not easy. That is the reason why we have formulated multiple competing advantage blueprints which will make sure that not only we compete generously with our competitors in the same arena but also succeed in our aims and ambitions. The goal of this organization is to benefit in the various lines of fragrances we purpose to achieve,


We Love Adoration. We Crave Affection And We Dream Of Perfection. Here comes the wide range of product contrived with the finest concoction of love, Devotion care and endearment which leads to the perfection and excellence…



Fragrance is anything that feels you special. I mean, A good fragrance should have a certain personality that makes people identify the scent with you. Even if the flower is no more still, the fragrance can be.



Flavourings are ingredients that are added to foods/tobacco/hookah shisha/mouth Freshner etc. in very small amounts, either to give a specific flavour to a product, such as a soft drink, boiled sweet or yoghurt, or to enhance or replace flavour lost during food processing. Flavourings can either be produced from extracting the aromatic compound.


Essential Oils


Essential oils are volatile liquids obtained from plant material through steam distillation and named after the plant from which they are derived. Essential oils can be defined as either products or mixtures of fragrant substances or as mixtures of fragrant and odorless substances.

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