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Saffron flavour


Saffron food flavoring, prized for its aromatic flavor and golden color, elevates dishes with its luxurious touch. Best uses include in risotto, paella, infused rice, baking, sauces, seafood dishes, desserts, marinades, and infused syrups. Use sparingly due to its intense flavor and high price, and steep in warm liquid before use for best results.

SKU: LDNA74JP001 Category: 1


Saffron food flavoring, prized for its distinct aroma and vibrant color, is a luxurious ingredient that elevates dishes to new heights. Here are some of the best uses:

  1. Risotto: Saffron infuses risotto with its unique flavor and imparts a rich golden hue, making it a classic and elegant dish.
  2. Paella: A signature ingredient in Spanish cuisine, saffron adds depth of flavor and a brilliant yellow color to traditional paella.
  3. Saffron Infused Rice: Whether served plain or as part of a pilaf, saffron-infused rice is a fragrant and visually stunning side dish.
  4. Baking: Incorporate saffron into bread, cakes, cookies, and pastries to lend a subtle floral note and a beautiful golden color.
  5. Sauces and Broths: Add saffron to sauces, broths, and stocks for an aromatic boost and a touch of sophistication.
  6. Saffron Tea: Steep saffron threads in hot water along with other spices like cinnamon and cardamom for a fragrant and calming tea.
  7. Seafood Dishes: Saffron pairs wonderfully with seafood, enhancing the natural flavors of fish and shellfish in dishes like bouillabaisse or seafood stew.
  8. Desserts: Use saffron in desserts such as ice cream, custards, and puddings to add an exotic flavor and a beautiful golden color.
  9. Marinades and Rubs: Create marinades and rubs for meats, poultry, or tofu with saffron to infuse them with its aromatic essence before grilling or roasting.
  10. Infused Syrups: Make saffron-infused syrups to drizzle over desserts, pancakes, or waffles for a luxurious finishing touch.

When using saffron, it’s essential to use it sparingly due to its intense flavor and high price. Additionally, steep saffron threads in warm liquid before adding them to your dish to fully extract their flavor and color.


25gm, 100gm, 500gm, 1kg


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